Senin, 25 November 2013


  • Ishani = Ishani is the secondary tritagonist in the film Planes, and the love interest of Dusty Crophopper. Contents[show] Bio The reigning Pan-asian champion from India, Ishani is easy on the eyes, but ruthless in the skies.
  • Bulldog = Bulldog has been racing longer than every other racer on the circuit. As the oldest and arguably wisest, he remembers a time before GPS, when real racers trusted their gyros, and navigated by the stars. When it comes to racing, it boils down to two qualities, says Bulldog: good flying and sportsmanship. Period. While the competition secretly wonders if the aging plane is past his prime, he flies his way onto the leader board again and again, proving that this Bulldog has lost none of his bite.
  • Dusty =
    Dusty "Strut Jetstream" Crophopper is the protagonist in Planes. Contents[show] Bio Dusty is a plane with high hopes-literally. Crop duster by trade, this single-prop plane sees himself soaring alongside his high-flying heroes in an…
  • El Chupacabra = The intensely charming El Chupacabra is a legend in Mexico (just ask him). Powered by his passion for racing (not to mention the elusive Rochelle), this caped Casanova is anything but low-key—his booming voice and charismatic presence are as big as his oversized engine. His cohorts aren’t really sure what is truth and what is delusion when it comes to El Chu, but one thing is beyond doubt: he races with a whole lot of heart and more dramatic flair than is recommended at high altitudes.
  • Rochelle =
    Rochelle is a tough racer, and the pride of the Great White North. Always confident and capable, she got her start running mail to small towns in Quebec, picking up home remedies for mechanical maladies along the way. She also developed a knack for fast travel that ultimately inspired her to give air racing a try. Rochelle never looked back (this competitive contender doesn’t need to). She is relentlessly pursued by charmer El Chupacabra, but steadfast Rochelle is much too focused on winning the race to return his affections.
    After El Chu sang his character song "Love Machine" to her, she is head over heels over him.
  • Ripslinger = Ripslinger is the main antagonist in the movie Planes. The bio of the movie states, "Dusty's sportsmanship and speed begin to rattle the defending champ of the race circuit, Ripslinger, who will stop at nothing to see Dust y fail… 

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Biography of Thomas Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When Edison was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison lived here until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. Edison had very little formal education as a child, attending school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic by his mother, but was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. This belief in self-improvement remained throughout his life.

Work as a Telegrapher

Edison began working at an early age, as most boys did at the time. At thirteen he took a job as a newsboy, selling newspapers and candy on the local railroad that ran through Port Huron to Detroit. He seems to have spent much of his free time reading scientific, and technical books, and also had the opportunity at this time to learn how to operate a telegraph. By the time he was sixteen, Edison was proficient enough to work as a telegrapher full time.

First Patent

The development of the telegraph was the first step in the communication revolution, and the telegraph industry expanded rapidly in the second half of the 19th century. This rapid growth gave Edison and others like him a chance to travel, see the country, and gain experience. Edison worked in a number of cities throughout the United States before arriving in Boston in 1868. Here Edison began to change his profession from telegrapher to inventor. He received his first patent on an electric vote recorder, a device intended for use by elected bodies such as Congress to speed the voting process. This invention was a commercial failure. Edison resolved that in the future he would only invent things that he was certain the public would want.

Marriage to Mary Stilwell

Edison moved to New York City in 1869. He continued to work on inventions related to the telegraph, and developed his first successful invention, an improved stock ticker called the "Universal Stock Printer". For this and some related inventions Edison was paid $40,000. This gave Edison the money he needed to set up his first small laboratory and manufacturing facility in Newark, New Jersey in 1871. During the next five years, Edison worked in Newark inventing and manufacturing devices that greatly improved the speed and efficiency of the telegraph. He also found to time to get married to Mary Stilwell and start a family.

Move to Menlo Park

In 1876 Edison sold all his Newark manufacturing concerns and moved his family and staff of assistants to the small village of Menlo Park, twenty-five miles southwest of New York City. Edison established a new facility containing all the equipment necessary to work on any invention. This research and development laboratory was the first of its kind anywhere; the model for later, modern facilities such as Bell Laboratories, this is sometimes considered to be Edison's greatest invention. Here Edison began to change the world. The first great invention developed by Edison in Menlo Park was the tin foil phonograph. The first machine that could record and reproduce sound created a sensation and brought Edison international fame. Edison toured the country with the tin foil phonograph, and was invited to the White House to demonstrate it to President Rutherford B. Hayes in April 1878.

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Cara Menghitung Jumlah Pengunjung Berdasarkan Bendera Negara di Blog (Memasang Flag Counter)

Hay sobat Ryan? Kemarin saya sudah memberikan cara Mendaftar dan Memasang DMCA PROTECTOR di Blog, Naahh,, untuk hari ini mazinu akan berbagi tutorial Blogger kepada kalian mengenai Bagaimana Cara Menghitung Jumlah pengunjung di blog dengan Cara memasang Widget Flag Counter yang berfungsi untuk menghitung jumlah pengunjung blog kalian berdasarkan Negara asal masing-masing,, yang hasilnya nanti seperti punya saya yang ada di sidebar! Yah,, seperti ini lah :

Hasil dari Flag Counter
Nahh kalian ingin tahu caranya buka?? yuk ikuti cara yang mazinu berikan :

Pengisian / Editing sesuai selera untuk widget Visitor kalian
  • Seperti pada gambar diatas, nati kalian bisa mengatur tampilan dari flag counter tersebut sesuka kalian. Berikut beberapa keterangan menu editing yang di berikan :
  1. Top Countries : menampilkan jumlah pengunjung tiap negara dengan bendera negara asal pengunjung.
  2.  Flag Map : menamplkan pengunjung dalam bentuk map aatau peta dunia
  3. Mini Counter : menampilan counter dalam bentuk mini berupa pagaview blog.
  4. Maximum Flag to Show : Jumlah bendera yang akan di tampilkan
  5. Column of Flags : Jumlah kolom untuk counter
  6. Label on Top of Counter : Nam dari counternya. bisa di ganti sesuai keinginan.
  7. Background Color : Warna latar belakang
  8. Text Color : warna teks.
  9. Border color : Warna garis tepi.
  10. Show Country Codes : Menampilkan kode setiap negara, misalnya amerika dengan kode US.
  11. Show Pageview Count : Menampilkan jumlah pageview atau jumlah penelusuran halaman di satu blog
  12. Show Number of Flags : Menampilkan seluruh jumlah bendera asal pengunjung.
  • Setelah selesai ngeditnya, klik tulisan GET YOUR FLAG COUNTER Kemudian kalian akan melihat tampilan jendela baru yaitu verivikasi email,, kalian klik Skip aja ya? tidak usah diisi tidak apa-apa. Maka kalian akan mendapatkan Kode yang diberikan,, Lihat gambar :
Kode HTML Flag Counter Visitor

  • Kemudian kalian ambil kodenya (yang paling atas), setelah itu pasang ke HTML/Javascript pada Blog kalian.
  • Caranya :Klik rancangan - Elemen laman - Tambah gadget - HTML/Javascript
    Masukkan kode kedalam kotak yang di sediakan kemudian klik save.

Semoga artikel tentang  Cara Menghitung Jumlah Pengunjung Berdasarkan Bendera Negara di Blog (Memasang Flag Counter) ini bermanfaat untuk kalian!

Apakah kalian menyukai artikel tentang Cara Menghitung Jumlah Pengunjung Berdasarkan Bendera Negara di Blog (Memasang Flag Counter) ini?

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Cara Memasang Kalender di Blog

Waktu tidak lepas dari kegiatan kita sehari-hari, alangkah baiknya bila semua aktifitas kita jadwal secara teratur agar semua terlaksana dengan sempurna. Pada kesempatan pagi ini saya akan posting cara pemasangan kalender pada blog. Langsung saja 1. Silahkan kamu kunjungi situs 2. Lalu pilihlah kategori calender. 3. Pilih model kalender yang Anda sukai dan copy script yang ada dibawahnya. 4. Klik opsi Rancangan. 5. Klik Elemen Laman. 6. Klik Tambah Gedget. 7. Pilih HTML/JavaScript. 8. Pastekan code script yang sudah Anda copy tadi ke dalam konten HTML tersebut. 9. Lalu Save dan selesai.

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Cara Memasang Jam Di Blog

Cara Memasang Jam Di Blog - lama nih sudah g posting tutorial blogging, dan pagi tadi ada adik kelas yang menanyakan ke saya tentang cara memasang widget jam di blog, nah munculah ide untuk membuat postingan ini supaya teman-teman bisa memasang jam di blog blogspot maupun wordpress.
Sebenarnya, fungsi dari widget sendiri tidak terlalu penting, malah sebenarnya dapat memperberat loading blog kita. namun tidak ada salahnya mempelajari tutorial ini, saya yakin ada teman-teman yang membutuhkan   tutorial memasang jam di blog ini, entah itu hanya untuk menghias blognya, ataupun dapat tugas dari sekolah ataupun kuliah.
Nah dibawah ini adalah tutorial lengkap cara memasang jam di blog, silahkan simak dengan baik-baik!
1. Silahkan sobat masuk ke situs 
2. Disana terdapat banyak sekali pilihan widget jam yang dapat sobat pasang di blog sobat, silahkan sobat pilih tampilan widget jam yang sesuai dengan selera sobat. dapat sobat lihat gambar di bawah ini :
3. Selanjutnya silahkan sobat klik tombol view HTML tag
4. Setalah klik tombol vie HTML tag, maka sobat akan di arahkan ke halaman baru dan kemudian klik accept :
5. Setelah itu sobat akan di arahkan ke halaman baru, dimana di halaman tersebut kita dapat mendesain lagi pilihan widget yg sudah kita pilih tadi, sobat bisa memilih warna, ukuran widget, dan menentukan zona waktu, untuk lebih lengkapnya lihat gambar :
6. Setelah setting dan mendesain widget sesuai dengan selera sobat, silahkan sobat copy script yang ada di bawahnya.
Pemasangan Widget
*Untuk Blogger/Blogspot
  • Silahkan sobat masuk ke akun blogger sobat
  • Silahkan masuk ke panel layout/tata letak
  • lalu klik add widget, pilih HTML/ Java Script
  • Pastekan Code/script yang sudah sobat dapatkan tadi ke kolom widget
  • lalu save dan lihat blog sobat

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Membuat Desain Cover Majalah Dengan Photoshop

Apa kabar kalian semua?
Semoga baik-baik sayang yah. He he he
Kali ini saya akan mencoba membagi sedikit ilmu photoshop yah- mudahan berguna bagi kalian ......

Saya akan coba mendesain cover majalah.
Majalah merupakan salah satu media promosi dan informasi yang telah ada sejak dulu yang
Terdiri atas gambar dan tulisan yang keberadaan nya mulai tergusur oleh eksistensi
“Internet”. Tidak dapat di pungkiri sih kalo internet tuh sekarang udah jadi salah satu
kebutuhan dasar umat manusia dan jika di bandingkan dengan majalah, tentu saja internet
memiliki banya keunggulan.

Untuk itulah saya akan mencoba men-desain cover majalah yang
“TOP BGT” agar tidak kalah saingan dengan internet.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Membuat Cover Majalah

Belajar Yuuk
Ini hasil karya saya lho .....
Saya Ryan ....... sekolah di Ciputra
Belajar Komputer di iTechno
Ayo gabung yukkkkk